- A block explorer analysis tool
- Lets you view any and all transcations on the blockchain
- Available for both the mainnet and testnet
- A Browser based IDE for Solidity
Primitive Datatypes in Solidity
- int : integer (signed integer)
- uint : unsigned integer (uint8, uint16, uint256=unint)
- bool : Boolean (true or false)
- address : Ethereum Address
Variables in Solidity
Local Variables
- Declared inside a function
- Not stored on the blockchain
State Variables
- Declared outside a function
- Stored on the blockchain
Global variables
- It provides information about the blockchain
- e.g msg.sender, msg.value,, block.timestamp
Simple addition program using solidity
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MyContract {
unint public number1; //state variable
function myFunction() public {
unint num; //local variable
function newFunction() public return (uint, address) {
uint num1 = 12;
uint num2 = 13;
number1 = num1 + num2;
address myAddress = msg.sender; //global variable
return (number1, myAddress);